This is General Eerie.Through BIZARRE TODAY, I bring some of the weirdest stories around the globe.Join me with my expedition

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Message:104 by General Eerie

Smell food to lose weight 

Today, a fit body is not only desirable but necessary as well. Apart from working out, people are in a pursuit to find alternative ways of reducing weight. Most of them want something like a Telebrand belt or anything that doesn't require any physical exertion. Is it really possible. This is General Eerie with message 104 for his fellow earthians. 

Recently, i stumbled upon a fact written in bold letters on a Classmate Notebook that smelling bananas and green apples can help to reduce weight. Naturally, i wasn't convinced as the statement implied some kind of gases coming out of the fruits which burn out our fats. So I dug a little deeper.
LISTEN HERE: Smelling Certain Foods Can Really Help You Lose Weight.
So after all, the fact was true (though partially)

A new hypothesis talks about sprinkling crystals on your favorite (and healthy) foods that will smell like certain foods which intern will trick your mind into thinking you've eaten more than you actually have. “By smelling the smells, their brain perceives: ‘I've smelled it, therefore I've eaten it, therefore I better stop eating it. I've overeaten,". According to the hypothesis, taste is mainly perceived in the nose, specifically the olfactory nerve, which he states is directly linked to the part of the brain that controls hunger and tells us when we are full.

These crystals are not on the market, but there is an alternative. The study's suggestion is that adding spices or very aromatic foods to your meal, such as highly scented fruits (bananas and green apples), can have the same effect as the crystals.

Much of the application is still under research and experimentation. But, as we all complaint," I don't have any time to exercise", we can surely inculcate the above suggestion in our quotidian schedules.

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