This is General Eerie.Through BIZARRE TODAY, I bring some of the weirdest stories around the globe.Join me with my expedition

Friday, 23 August 2013

Message:102 by General Eerie

The phobia of getting a phobia & others

Suffering from a phobia in many cases is latent and unique. Due to various complexes, physiological anomalies, and past accidents, people develop various kinds of phobia. The hackneyed ones include fear from water, height, darkness and spiders. But what about the less common known fears? This is General Eerie with message 102 for his fellow earthians.

The Wikipedia defines phobia as a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational. Certain aspects of neurology deals with the development of phobias in brain. Sometimes, the fear is ridiculous and very sardonic. 

LISTEN HERE: Believe it or not, fear of fear itself is a phobia and is called PHOBOPHOBIA.
Phobophobia is defined as an abnormal fear of phobias or of developing one. The risk of acquiring phobophobia is greater to people already suffering from a certain phobia. If you went through intense phobic reactions towards the object of an established fear, you may eventually dread confronting and experiencing the same morbid response again, thus leading to phobophobia. Other bizarre phobias:

        NAME OF THE PHOBIA               FEAR FROM/OF
1.       Caligynephobia                      Beautiful women
2.       Ablutophobia                               Bathing
3.       Scopophobia                         Being stared at
4.       Arachibutyrophobia                  Peanut butter
5.       Peladophobia                           Bald people
6.       Barophobia              Thought of gravity being reversed
7.       Nomophobia                   Losing cell phone contacts
8.       Clinophobia                          Going to bed
9.       Taphephobia                         Being buried alive 
10.      Lachanophobia                       Vegetables

And let me end with hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (fear of long words) and phronemophobia (fear of thinking). So don't feel special or shy with your weird fears...