This is General Eerie.Through BIZARRE TODAY, I bring some of the weirdest stories around the globe.Join me with my expedition

Monday, 10 June 2013

Message:004 by General Eerie

The "Red and Bull" Controversy

Yeah..we all know what can red do if a bull is around.Or maybe vice versa.But i don't really care because the above dreaded belief is the pioneer of mendacity.This is General Eerie with his WEIRD FACT :DAY 4.

Through our experience from movies,shows and stories, the fact that bulls are disparaged by the red color has been successfully embedded in our brain cells.And not to mention the chills we get when we see a torero(the guy who holds a red cloth in a bullfighting competition).
LISTEN HERE: Bulls are colorblind.Did I hurt your puerile feelings ?But this is what science supports.

The retina in the eye comprises two photo-receptor cells,namely cones and rodes.The rods are more sensitive to light whereas cones abet us to perceive colors.On observation,it was elucidated that a bull's eye is devoid of cones.So even if that cloth is white(I rather use it to make peace),the bull will charge at it.The possible scientific explanation of why the bull charges at the cloth is somewhat "bizarre".Its not the red of the cloth the torero holds that irritates the bull...Its the movement of it.The bulls that are used in Bullfighting are bred very carefully to be very aggressive(that means that they get angry 
pretty easily). When they are three years old,they are put through some tests to see how aggressive they are, and the most aggressive bulls are brought to the bullfight.When they see the matador waving his cloth (remember that they are colorblind, so they only see a dark grey cloth),they charge at it! Also, in the beginning of the bullfight, the matador stabs the bull in the back of it's neck with swords.This makes the bull especially angry,but the matador or torero does that so the bull can't lift it's head (the swords cut the muscles that lift the bulls head). 

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